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Big Wave Sweeping Through Big Data Industry With Automation And Autonomy

Published: 19 Apr 2019
Category: Big Data & Analytics
Home Blog Big Wave Sweeping Through Big Data Industry With Automation And Autonomy

Big Data

Oracle has long provided complete data ecosystem to power enterprise data management, and in the current age of big(ger) data and smart data, it has come with entirely new and broad set of infrastructure and platform services to work together in a coherent way. It’s a key player in Xaas (Anything as a Service) market space for Saas (Software as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) applications. Oracle cloud offerings provide the benefit of a modern cloud platform that can be effectively used as a foundation for XaaS transformations.

Scalability and agility of workload

SaaS facilitates subscription-based usage of application software in the cloud that teams can use for various business processes depending upon the maturity and complexity of the organization’s IT assets. Oracle’s PaaS offerings such as JCS, IoT, MCS and SOACS allow for the custom development of applications to realize a range of benefits of the XaaS model. IaaS allows the organizations to enhance the scalability and agility of any workload regardless of their databases, operating systems and VMs.

Dual-format architecture

Oracle offers dual-format architecture using row analysis for OLTP (Online Transactional Processing) and in-memory columnar analysis for analytics, allowing the organizations high availability and scalability of databases.

As Oracle embeds algorithms directly onto the microprocessor, they can keep adding more cores and threads, thus speeding up the completion of core tasks such as encryption and compression directly onto the chip.

Massively run parallel Oracle SQL queries

Oracle Big Data Appliance runs on Apache Hadoop and Spark, letting the organizations set up their big data system quickly and relatively at a lower cost of installation. Another Oracle technology viz. Oracle Big Data SQL allows the analysts to easily run massively parallel Oracle SQL queries across Hadoop, NoSQL and relational databases.

Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance with database aware recovery

Today, businesses need to have data backup happen constantly in real time as they can’t afford to lose data between backups with the traditional batch-oriented, disk-based backups. Oracle has addressed the issue of data loss with its Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance that prevents not only data loss but also leaves minimum impact on the production servers. This specialized engineered system is able to achieve this as it takes up back up of only the changes done to the database, and doesn’t copy the whole of it. Its innovative database-aware recovery feature carries out validation of data as it backs up, and cloud-scale protection allows a single appliance to back up a whole data center!

Multitenancy for enterprise grade container infrastructure

Enhanced SQL allows developers to use JSON data that replaces XML as the format for data with complex structures such as webpages, to store natively as columns in Oracle database. So, pros can do any relational database task with that data. Oracle also has embedded container technology directly into the relational database with multitenancy. So, there is less software administration burden for an organization’s IT compared to OS based visualization as each virtual machine or pluggable database has a copy of all the software. Oracle Cloud Container Service (OCCS) creates an enterprise grade container infrastructure that can be set up faster so that the teams can focus more on the application and less on the underlying infrastructure.

Growing trend for data sovereignty

As the organizations are realizing data as key asset, there has been an increasing voice for it to be free, not in the monetary sense but in terms of accessibility and ubiquity. Organizations have to expose the data widely for the analysts to create value yet they need to make it accessible, understandable and actionable across business units and geographies. This requires a radical approach to data architecture and governance, leveraging the capabilities of natural language processing and machine learning to make sense out of the data. There has been a growing trend for data sovereignty among the organizations, and hence there has been increased focus at Oracle to deliberately develop technologies for managing, monetizing and unlocking the true value of this increasingly crucial enterprise asset that we call DATA.

Cloud-native, container native and low-code development

Oracle provides offerings for accelerated application development and deployment with its API-first, mobile first cloud applications for cloud-native, container native and low-code development. Oracle Ravello ensures that silo developments do not impact an entire application, allowing the enterprises run exiting VMware workloads on cloud without making any modifications or moving and readdressing individual hosts.

For most Oracle application development environments currently in use, they point towards a hybrid cloud model. Oracle DBAs and managers need to balance the scale and demands of the businesses to deliver high performing and responsive systems.


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