The world of online marketing is evolving at a fast pace. Every year, this world is introduced with new hardware or cutting-edge applications. For this purpose, companies need to develop their digital marketing strategies time and again so that the businesses remain abreast of all the latest trends that characterize this industry.
However, still many companies are pretty gun-shy to adopt new trends that are penetrating the realm of digital marketing. Because of this they miss out on a number of opportunities. Here are the top trends that are sure to dominate 2016.
Video ads galore
Playing video ads is not a new phenomenon, but it is likely to dominate this year. As a starter, both Bing and Facebook have started offering advertisers video options. Further, Google too now includes options for incorporating video content within its search engine algorithm.
More apps mean more visibility
The year past in April, Google rolled out its algorithm that shifted the trend towards having mobile-friendly websites. As per the new algorithm, Google started indexing apps while calculating search engine rankings. Since that time, app indexing (which drops app-related content within Google’s search results) has taken the world of website ranking by storm.
Cutting-edge optimization trends
New trends surfacing in SEO and PPC have motivated many companies to revamp their strategies. For using these trends for their benefit, many companies have leveraged on the benefits accrued through PPC and SEO services offered by leading digital marketers.
Virtual reality emerges
In a couple of years down the line, a truckload of virtual reality devices are slated to be released. A few are built specifically for video games; whereas others are built for general purposes—such as Oculus Rift. The rise of these online devices is all set to herald a new era of online advertising. This advertising, which will be played on virtual-reality devices, is likely to connect popular video channels, social media platforms, and direct messaging.
So every company should keep these trends in mind before designing their next digital-marketing strategy.