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Which Web Solution Is the Best for Your Business?

Published: 08 Sep 2015
Category: Advanced Web Development
Home Blog Which Web Solution Is the Best for Your Business?

The finest web solutions for any business are website development and designing. However, the deigning and development requirements vary from business to business. The most important point that any business owner should keep in mind is to convey the nature of the trade to the recruited webmaster and development team.

The nature of a business has direct bearing on the type of website it’ll have. Which is why, a guide is presented that will help business owners to choose the best website-building platform according to their businesses.

The best ecommerce website platform-

An ecommerce website should be fully equipped to carry out online sales effortlessly. Below are website builders that are essential for creating a full-fledged ecommerce website.


It’s an open source ecommerce website-building platform that can streamline the flow between online sales and website design. Boasting a never-ending list of features, Magento is leveraged by most businesses. Mentioned below are a couple of reasons why Magento should be chosen to build an ecommerce site.

  • Cost effective: A webshop that’s designed on the platform is simple not only to build but also maintain. First, the platform is open source, and even if a business would go for its liscenced version, it’ll be cheaper than systems such as ATG, Intershop, or Hybris.
  • High speed: Magento can be really fast if a business can leverage top-shelf web hosting solutions.
  • Security: The platform has exceptional security standards. One of its versions (EE) comes with a Secure Payment Bridge, providing PCI Data Security Standard (PCI PA-DSS).
  • Coding: Because it’s open source, Magento can be tweaked (or customized) using PHP code.

Premium service-industry websites solution-


Many business people mistakenly think of WordPress as a mere blogging platform. That was true, but, now, the platform has gone beyond blogging. Today, businesses are using it to create their fully functional websites for free. Here are two reasons why WordPress is the best solution for your business.

  • Lots of themes: A business website can choose from a range of themes (more than 2,600) and plug-ins (more than 31,000) on the WordPress platform.
  • Easy to use and manage: While working with WordPress, you don’t require any extensive knowledge of Content Management System or any other programming language. Because of its fewer technicalities, the platform is easy to work on and manage.
  • Intuitive backend: The platform comes with highly user-friendly backend. WordPress is like word only. Website admins don’t have to grapple with complexities of site management; rather, they’ll be empowered with easy-to-use CMS and exceptional visual editor to manage a website.
  • Easy to access: A site built on WordPress is built on technologies that are easily accessible. Plus, the platform is simple to install on Windows and Linux. (This platform uses free-licensed software.) Further, the webpages of a WordPress-powered site are programmed in HTML and CSS, thus allowing them to get opened on iPhone and Android smartphones within minimum loading time.

Customized web solutions

However, some businesses have specifications that they wish to have in their respective websites. For that purpose, web developers guide businesses to leverage customized web solutions. Most custom web solutions can be designed aptly using the following frameworks and languages:


Many webmasters and developers suggest their clients to create websites using the ASP.NET framework; that’s because the framework offers exceptional functionality and rich features to a web development team. Apart from websites, the platform has three frameworks—Web Forms, ASP.NET Web Pages, and ASP.NET MVC—to create web apps. Two important benefits of using the framework are:

  • Security: The language’s well-written codes can offer quality security to the site.
  • Data management: A website that’s built using ASP.NET will allow site admins to manage data easily and efficiently. Plus, the framework comes with a dedicated segment (ADO.NET) that works especially for managing data.


Many web developers are attracted toward CorePHP because of its capability to produce robust web apps and websites. Listed below are reasons as to why a business should choose the platform.

  • Open source scripting language: The language is open source because of which it can create static HTML sites dynamically.
  • Computability with different Operating Systems (OS’s): A website that is created using CorePHP can run on a variety of OS’s including Windows and Linux.


Most web developers are making a shift from CorePHP to CakePHP because of the following factors:

  • Data sanitization: The framework can perform high-quality data sanitation on a website or a web app.
  • Compatible with website directories: The reason why the language has become so popular for creating listing websites is because it enables site admins to work with any website directory without having to deal with the complex Apache configuration.

So, whenever a business chooses a web solution, it should first communicate its nature of business to the hired web designers and developers and then select a solution accordingly.


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