AI-Powered Web Application Automated How Real Estate Companies Found Leads On LinkedIn

Expertise: Business Process Automation
Verticals: Consulting
Technologies: Linked Login APIStripe Payment Gateway
Home > Portfolio > AI-Powered Web Application Automated How Real Estate Companies Found Leads On LinkedIn
Client Overview
A real estate technology provider needed a digital solution that could help real estate companies generate qualified leads quickly. Based in the US, the client offers a digital solution that accelerates the process of finding accurate leads. As a technology partner, we built an AI-enabled lead gen web application for the client. Our team used Selenium and Python to build the web portal's AI engine that automated how real estate companies find ready-to-convert leads on LinkedIn.
Business Needs
Managing a lead generation tool, the client wanted to refine it and wanted it to be the smartest one out there. They wanted to integrate the most advanced AI in their platform for lead generation that can help their customers in outsmarting the competition. They wanted the website to be redesigned for the most comfortable user experience so that the users can focus on making sales, not figuring out which system to use. They wanted to provide deeper insights into the lead generation, and additionally wanted the below functionalities in it::

  • A reliable too to suggest good prospects from a huge database based on the search criteria
  • CRM for new, interesting prospects and closing of leads
  • Assisting in decision making by preventing the repeat work
  • Safest and smartest LlnkedIn tool for lead generation
  • Automation of the lead generation process for accelerated conversion
  • Reducing the human interface in maturing a lead

Strategy & Solution
Client collaborated with Flexsin to bring their Idea into a reality, and wanted to use the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their experience to build a tool that can make sales process easy and automated. The source of the database for the leads is LinkedIn, The sale through the LinkedIn has a certain process where you connect a person, introduce your business and then schedule meeting.

To develop this tool, Flexsin came out with a solution to use Python and Selenium as AI engine to communicate with LinkedIn on behalf of the user and automate the process, The AI engine is so smart that it work like a human sending connection requests, messages, accepting requests and scheduling meeting for a user. The engine work silently in the background gives users a great experience and confidence.

Front-end Flexsin team designed user interface with the latest component of React and simplicity on top. The application provides a connection between AI engine based on Python, Selenium, Proxy and Chrome extension, MERN, MongoDB, Express, React, Node, and application that allows users to register and control the application as per their use. The website was designed in a way that it displays entire business and provides a simple way to the users to enrol on the website. Below are few of the features frontend offers to users.

  • User login and signups
  • User can use their credit card to pay securely for their subscription plan through STRIP payment gateway
  • SSL encryption for highly secure information transfer

Backend The backend uses the power of Node and MongoDB to send request to the server in the most optimal way. It establishes a connection with AI Engine to generate leads based on the search criteria. Backend does all the activities required to convert the connection into prospective clients by sending connection requests and customized messages about business and meeting schedule. A few key features of the backend are cited below:

  • Meta data control for ranking the website on various relevant keywords
  • Sitemap to ensure that webpages are crawled by the search engines
  • Addition and updating of code on various pages to compress testing timelines
  • Administration management to decide the sections of the CMS that team members can view or edit

Development Process From the start, Flexsin's development team embraced an agile work methodology for this project which has proved helpful in handling project requirements. It provides room for accommodating anything urgent that comes up from the client's ream. The methodology ensured that the development work was accelerated and all bugs are fixed before moving the next step. Some of the key factors that governed the development process are mentioned below.

  • Brainstorming the project requirements and defining work-related milestones
  • Detailing project outlines and defining roles and responsibilities related to the project
  • Delivering periodical work reports to the client and arranging sprint meetings with it
  • Accommodating any additional requirements during the project
  • Testing the deliverables before submitting to the clients

The development work was done in a defined way and all the instructions of the client were duly followed. We ensured that the website was developed to the client's exact specifications using the industry-standard procedures.

Business Outcomes
The application was launched as per schedule and performs as per expectation. Users provided positive feedbacks as the application adds a great value to their business. Users are able to save a lot of their time in generating the leads and working to mature them. They can control the message template used to communicate with the LinkedIn connections. With our dedicated efforts to the client's project, we were able to achieve the below successful outcomes for them.

  • Elaborative reports for successful campaign.
  • New, cleaner and faster look of the website
  • AWS has been configured for Loan Balancing and regular backup.
  • Proxy IP has been used to make user request secure and fast
  • Deep personality insights to exactly how to sell the prospects they want
  • Instant access to the most powerful sales and recruiting tools

Client's Speak
I was very pleasantly surprised with the level of detail and commitment exhibited by Flexsin. Thank you for filling a niche at an affordable price for me. We want to let you know that we are truly happy with your services and professionalism.
Eric Muran
Peraluma California, USA
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