Dispute Resolution Web Application On Google Firebase Transforms Settlement Outcomes
Application Development Finance Applications
Banking & Financial Services
WordPressCore PHPHTML5
Client Overview
With an aim to streamline and accelerate dispute resolution, the client wanted to create a digital solution. Located in Brazil, the client has a one-of-a-kind application that helps customers resolve disputes through arbitration, negotiation, and mediation. Using Google Firebase, we built a dispute resolution web application that improved settlement outcomes. We augmented the application's analytical capabilities with Google Analytics for Firebase and improved on-boarding experiences with Firebase Authentication. 
Business Needs
To streamline the way dispute settlements takes place, the client wanted to build an app. However, the idea of the application was only on paper. To make it transfer from the paper to the real world, the client had the following business needs in mind.- Decreasing defaults or increasing receipts, the client wanted to build Customer Service and Collection modules that would amplify the financial reach.
- The client knew that chat is a great way of increasing engagement, retention, and experience but was finding it difficult to implement a user-friendly chat feature on the application.
- Client service models were supposed to be aimed at strengthening the relationship and motivating payment submissions on time. Whether through client consultants or via self-service, the client technology was required to enable customized payment plans for each customer.
- Client Agents teams combine negotiation best practices with advanced technologies. The campaigns and algorithms routinely adjusted with a high level of assertiveness for finding payment defaulters, making a payment plan feasible, and executing the agreement.
- The client wanted to progressively roll out new features with minimal risks. It wanted new features to be tested on a few users and see how they work and how users respond to them. Depending on the feedback, the client wanted roll out features or disable them without having to launch a new app and wait for users to update.
- For increasing peer-to-peer engagement, the client wanted users to have the ability to share and resize documents required for financial settlements. Taking data privacy and security into consideration, the client wanted that only intended users can view and use the docs.
- The client also wanted to understand and capture the user journey across devices. As end-users were increasing, they were logging from mobile devices, laptops, and reclogging on tablets. Client analytics were not able take these log-in as one. Instead, the client was interpreting three separate log-ins from three different users, giving wrong analytics and data about the churn rate.
- The client wanted to process third-party payments without needless complexity of setting up servers.
- The on-boarding experience was critical for user retention and success. The client wanted to have custom messages rather than generic texts and wanted to have peer-to-peer communication for building engagement with tasks. Besides, the client embraced a peer-to-peer approach for boosting app growth and gauging the experience of the app users. The key challenge in this regard was to combine these insights with the way the app works. When end-users open the client's app, it wanted to delight them by customizing the initial screen based on their preferences, usage history, location, or language.
Strategy & Solution
The client brought Flexsin's team on board. The team started working on the project with a thorough evaluation of the client's requirements. Firebase Google's mobile development platform was chosen as Firebase empowers developers to quickly build and grow app. Firebase has the built-in ability to easily pull in Google Cloud products as the development team's requirements grow or infrastructural needs can be scaled up. Firebase and Google Cloud share cloud functions and cloud storage. Also, they would be sharing and exposing the client-side developers via Firebase. The development task was used and shared from the server SDKs (Google Cloud) and the client SDKs (Firebase), making sure that Flexsin's frontend and backend teams were working in concert. As Firebase products use the Google Cloud's terms of service, Flexsin set role-based access controls at the project level. Besides, the client was able to restrict and permit developers for performing actions across both platforms.
Flexsin worked with Firebase Authentication to give users a quick, intuitive sign-in process, allowing users to sign in to the app with different accounts. Using Google Analytics for Firebase and Remote Config, Flexsin enabled client to target a select group of users to test application new feature. Client was able to track the results in Google Analytics and depending on feedback client was able to roll it out to everyone else, or roll it back instantly from the Firebase console.
By using Google Analytics for Firebase, Flexsin enabled the client analytics team to export mobile app data (iOS and Android) by matching on UserID. This way, the client had a complete picture of app engagement across channels and devices. Here are key highlights of the backend.
Development Process
The client followed an agile approach to develop, deploy, test, and deliver the project. The project development started with carrying out extensive workshops with the client. During the series of workshops, the client and Flexsin's team were able to finalize the key deliverables and their respective timelines. Here are some key highlights of the development process.
Flexsin worked with Firebase Authentication to give users a quick, intuitive sign-in process, allowing users to sign in to the app with different accounts. Using Google Analytics for Firebase and Remote Config, Flexsin enabled client to target a select group of users to test application new feature. Client was able to track the results in Google Analytics and depending on feedback client was able to roll it out to everyone else, or roll it back instantly from the Firebase console.
- Tracking each step of end users on-boarding flow for enhancing the UX
- Making changes to the client's app all the while improving conversions
- Showing specific content to each defined audience
- Integrating the notification features so that users get notified in real time
By using Google Analytics for Firebase, Flexsin enabled the client analytics team to export mobile app data (iOS and Android) by matching on UserID. This way, the client had a complete picture of app engagement across channels and devices. Here are key highlights of the backend.
- Using seamless authentication functionality with Firebase Authentication, Flexsin set up a chat room in the real-time database with messages appearing on all users' devices in real time.
- Leveraging cloud storage for Firebase to quickly, securely host user documents on the cloud, then record respective file paths in the Realtime Database to enable sharing
- Making sure the security rules were enabled to work with Realtime Database to ensure only the individuals that users share a photo with can view it
- Minimizing cloud functions were running on Google Cloud Platform, so there are no servers to manage.
- Streamlining the payment experience by calling third-party payment APIs securely, without setting up dedicated servers
- Making sure the payment was processed by making request were made over HTTPs
- Ensuring that date payment info was passed on to the cloud functions for Firebase
Development Process
The client followed an agile approach to develop, deploy, test, and deliver the project. The project development started with carrying out extensive workshops with the client. During the series of workshops, the client and Flexsin's team were able to finalize the key deliverables and their respective timelines. Here are some key highlights of the development process.
- Following extensive workshops to make sure the client requirements are set in stone
- Having a series of development sprints to ensure that the deliverables are sent on time
- Testing the deliverables comprehensively to make sure no last-minute errors show up during the final presentation
- Extending post-deployment support and carrying out walkthroughs to train the client's team
Business Outcomes

- The customer base of the client grew by three times. Client was taking less than two days for implementing custom on-boarding screens
- TThere was an increase of 10% in sessions per user and a 20% increase in relevant content consumption.
- TThe client boosted user engagement by sharing the content that is relevant to the needs of an end-user
- Eventually, the deployment of Google Cloud completely freed the IT department from managing IT infrastructure and helped the client be more effective and campaigns were able to perform better
Client's Speak

Flexsin's team of cloud architects helped my enterprise embrace the cloud cost-effectively. Eventually, we were able to accelerate the pace of digital innovation sucessfully. Besides, the team was highly professional and guided us at every small step on our journey to the cloud. Highly recommended!

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