Odoo Module Configuration And Implementation Increased The Sales Efficiency For A US Chocolate Manufacturing Business

Expertise: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Customer Relation Management (CRM)
Verticals: Industrial & Manufacturing
Technologies: Azure DevOpsOdoo ConfigurationOdoo Customization AWS S3 Bucket API
Home > Portfolio > Odoo Module Configuration And Implementation Increased The Sales Efficiency For A US Chocolate Manufacturing Business
Client Overview
An American chocolate manufacturing business wanted to improve its sales management process. Since 2013, the client has grown rapidly to serve delightful chocolates ideal for personal and corporate gifting. We partnered with the client and finalized the Odoo ERP system to optimize its legacy sales processes. Our Odoo specialists configured and implemented different modules - Sales Commission, Sales Order, Product Display, Warehouse, and Accounting - to help the business improve its sales efficiency.

Business Needs
Inefficient sales order processes with less strategic product display led to lower sales and poorly compensated sales representatives. Because of these reasons, the client wanted to optimize its sales processes. The client wanted to associate with a digital transformation company to help improve its sales outcomes. Some business needs that prompted the client to engage with a technology partner are mentioned below.

  • Adjusting the commission of sales feature to make sure every sales rep was properly compensated
  • Raising the efficiency of sales order processes to make them more streamlined
  • Driving online sales by ensuring the merchandise was located on the website strategically and attractively
Strategy & Solution
The client teamed up with our ERP specialists to get the project started. Our experts analyzed the client's requirements and went ahead with Odoo, as it is a versatile and open-source platform that would simplify customization and use. We choose the following Odoo modules:

  • Odoo Sales Commission:This module enabled the business to monitor and manage every sales commission. Moreover, this module was used to estimate commissions based on several factors: the products sold, the customer's location, and the value of the sale.
  • Odoo Sales Order:This module provided an extensive solution to help the client manage sales orders. Additionally, the module allowed businesses to manage the inventory, create invoices, and monitor every sales order's status.
  • Odoo Product Display:This module helped the business develop and govern its product displays on its website. Besides, the module provided an array of features for displaying product assets, including images, prices, and descriptions.
  • Warehouse:The business used this Odoo module to manage its two warehouses and shipments and generate reports.
  • Accounting:Using this Odoo module helped the business track expenses and income, prepare comprehensive financial statements, and create detailed financial reports.
Tailoring The Commission Of Sales Feature
Our team adjusted the commission of sales feature in the Odoo system to make sure the reps were compensated justly. To begin with, the team set up a strong commission plan that factored in the number of products sold, the total value of sales, and customer locations. Moreover, our Odoo experts created an end-to-end report to help the business track all the commissions paid to a sales rep within a specific period.

Enhancing The Sales Order Process
The team improved the client's sales order process, making it more streamlined and efficient. The experts did this by automating how sales orders were developed, invoices were sent, and order statuses were tracked. Additionally, the Odoo team built an intuitive dashboard using diverse front-end technologies, such as HTML5 and JavaScript. This front-end enabled the client to track its extensive sales order process live.

Odoo Module Implementation
  • Configuration:Our team configured the Odoo modules to ensure the project met the key business needs.
  • Training:We have trained the client's staff to use the deployed Odoo modules.
  • Support:.Our team managed the client's Odoo implementation and modules and provided post-implementation support.
  • DevOps:The development team followed the DevOps practice during the ERP implementation. Following this practice involved using a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. Following DevOps best practices during the project meant we automated the deployment and testing of the code.
Business Outcomes
Once we deployed the Odoo ERP and allied modules for the client, it realized many benefits: increased business efficiency, maximized client satisfaction, and improved sales. Moreover, the client agreed that the decision-makers were able to make quality decisions at speed. Here are some benefits the client reaped once we did the Odoo ERP implementation successfully.

  • Improved the transparency and accuracy of sales commissions, which led to maximized sales
  • Increased the accuracy of the sales order processes, resulting in minimized delays and errors
  • Enhanced the product's usability on the site, which led to a spike in traffic and sales
  • Managed warehousing facilities effectively, which reduced shipment delays and increased customer satisfaction
  • Ensured accurate financial reporting, helping the client make better business decisions
  • Accelerated the time-to-market of the Odoo ERP solution by following the DevOps philosophy
Client's Speak
I am happy with Flexsin's Odoo team. It understood my business's sales challenges and developed an effective solution driven by Odoo to make me win more and faster. Highly recommended!

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