Salesforce Boosts Efficiency And Asset Management For Australian Landscape Company

Expertise: Customer Relation Management (CRM) Application Development Business Process Automation Custom Reports and Dashboards Custom Workflows & Processes Builders SalesForce Implementation
Verticals: Real Estate
Technologies: Microsoft AzureSalesforce LightningWorkflows
Home > Portfolio > Salesforce Boosts Efficiency And Asset Management For Australian Landscape Company
Client Overview
A reputable company in Australia collaborates at several levels with government authorities, builders, developers, and landscape architects to provide full-service commercial landscape solutions. They are renowned for their skill in effectively managing intricate projects while upholding strict quality and environmental sustainability guidelines. Their long-term partnerships and steady production of outstanding results are the foundation of their reputation. Having trouble keeping track of project performance and managing assets effectively, they looked for a reliable way to improve decision-making and streamline processes. We identified the inefficiencies as a dependable Salesforce Silver partner and developed a customized software solution that improved asset management, altered their procedures, and provided real-time analytics.

Business Needs
In order to expedite internal procedures and manage assets more effectively, the client was looking for a powerful Salesforce solution. They required a solution that could automate vital business processes and optimize asset management in Salesforce. Their primary objectives were to increase overall productivity, improve asset tracking, and streamline internal processes. The following were the main goals:

  • The first goal was to create a streamlined Salesforce processes for day-to-day operations.
  • They needed to put into practice a successful asset management plan.
  • To maximize resource efficiency, they required automated repetitive processes.
  • It was crucial to improve corporate outcomes by facilitating data-driven decision-making and increasing operational consistency.
Strategy & Solution
To address these operational challenges from end-to-end, we used a methodical approach to satisfy the demands of the client. We worked with Salesforce to create a custom system that complied with the needs of the client. The solution was customized to the client's specific requirements, thanks to our experience in application development, CRM, custom workflows, and Salesforce implementation. This improved the client's overall operational efficiency and asset management capabilities. Furthermore, the client was encouraged to make strategic decisions based on real-time knowledge by integrating it with Microsoft Azure, which offered superior data control and analytics capabilities.


Our primary goal in building the front-end solution was to guarantee a smooth user experience through the integration of strong automation tools and the development of intuitive navigation. Automation tools were tactically incorporated, consequently reducing the manual tasks and improving the workflow, therefore improving overall efficiency. The system's high functionality and user-friendliness were intended to enhance asset management and workflow.

  • We streamlined operations by using automation with Apex, triggers, workflows, and process builders.
  • For convenience of use, we developed a user-friendly navigation.
  • We supplied thorough documentation to ensure a seamless transfer and future use.
  • We adapted the interface to particular user requirements which guaranteed optimal effectiveness.


To maximize system performance, we used a highly scalable back-end design, which allowed us to handle several requests at once without any issues. This arrangement made it possible to manage high-usage circumstances with ease and to provide the client with up-to-date information so they could make well-informed decisions.

  • Our team effectively handled several queries at once without affecting system performance.
  • We gave the client real-time updates which encouraged speedier decision-making.
  • Guaranteed continuous support for current projects which increased overall effectiveness.
  • We provided the client with real-time visibility into assets and activities, improving the precision of their decision-making.

Development Process:

We aimed to optimize the client's Salesforce asset management and business processes through the use of an agile methodology. The project commenced with a comprehensive examination of the client's specifications and a survey of the current system. Next, we suggested a fresh strategy for development that would concentrate on improvements where they were needed. The team put the recommended solutions into practice after getting the client's consent, making sure they were in line with the client's objectives. To guarantee seamless user uptake and effective workflow integration, live demos were held on a regular basis.

  • We perform a thorough examination of the requirements.
  • Our team made suggestions for new strategies or system upgrades.
  • We implemented authorized solutions into practice.
  • Our team gave live demonstrations to increase user adoption.
  • Our team simplified procedures by combining tasks and notes to cut down on manual labor.
Business Outcomes
The client conveyed pleasure with the way the project was going and with our solutions. They witnessed a notable improvement in operations with the deployment of Salesforce and business process automation. With the help of improved customer relationship management (CRM) and customized workflows, the new system eliminated manual processes and enabled the client to make data-driven decisions. These results gave the client the ability to allocate resources more wisely, increasing overall productivity and improving the flexibility of the business process.

  • 60% less manual asset monitoring work was required, freeing up more time for important business activities.
  • Enhanced capacity for making decisions, thanks to real-time reporting and data visibility.
  • Processes for asset management were streamlined, increasing productivity by 35%.
  • The client saved over nine hundred hours a year because to automated work consolidation.
  • 20% higher asset turnover resulted in improved business operations all around.
  • The implementation of automated workflows and real-time data access enabled the client to achieve a 25% increase in operational efficiency.
Client's Speak
We are thrilled with Salesforce Implementation by team Flexsin. Our processes were enhanced, workflows got automated, and real-time data have empowered us to achieve greater operational efficiency.
Matthew Hughes
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